A beloved annual tradition, the community of Fairbanks comes together annually to sing the Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah. On the selected day singers of all skill levels meet at the appointed church to spend an hour learning a few notes on the major choruses found in the Christmas section of the oratorio. Following a short social break, we perform the Christmas section with all the solo’s and choruses. Although admission to the event is free, there is a donation requested. You will want to make this annual event part of your Christmas tradition, so mark your calendars and dig out your Messiah scores! We have a limited number of scores available to borrow, but the most secure way to make sure you have a score (music) is to bring your own.
This year’s information:
November 30, 2-6 p.m.
Fairbanks Lutheran Church, 1012 Cowles St.
Dr. Byron Mcgilvray, Conductor
All interested soloists and string players should contact Janice Trumbull by September 15.